Saturday, February 22, 2020

Determination of principle stress Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Determination of principle stress - Lab Report Example Likewise, the value of normal stress be maximum in another plane. This plane is known as the minimum principle plane or principal plane. The normal stress on the minimum principle plane is referred to as the principle stress (minimum principle stress). Mohr’s circle is graphical technique used to find principle strains and stresses in materials. It also indicates the orientations or principle angles of the principal stresses. This experiment focused on using Mohr’s strain circle to determine the principle directions, principle strains, and maximum strain. The wheat stone bridge for the different channels was set at zero. The torsion rig was loaded with different masses. The masses were used to record the gauge strain readings at different loading levels. The necessary measurements were taken and recorded. From the given experimental readings the Mohr’s circle was drawn and the principle strain, principal direction, and maximum strain determined. The corresponding principle stresses were calculated together with the maximum shear stress through the application of the generalized Hooke’s law. The torsion theory was used in determining the shear stress that acts at the outer radius of the principle stresses and the cross section. Provided the stress componentsï€  Ã¯  ³x, ï  ³y, and ï  ´xy, it was possible to determine the principle stressesï€  Ã¯  ³1, maximum shear stress ï  ´max, the principle angle ï  ±p, and angle ï  ±s. In this regard, the maximum normal stress was found to be 52.5 MPa, minimum normal stress was found to be -18.5 MPa, principle angle 34.2 degrees, Maximum shear stress was 35.5 MPa, Maximum shear angle 10.8 degrees, and angle was 79.2 degrees. The Obtained results show that the shear stress is positive and the normal stress is equally positive. This means that the normal stress is position outside the action plane and the shear stress is rotated clockwise in the point to be considered. Normal stress involves the stress that happens when axial

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